Anne King Hynosis Center Boerne Texas.


Presented by Anne King, CHt

Sunday September 25th 3:00AM to 4:15PM
NO FEE, Love offering accepted

Clinical research has shown that by practicing the Kirtan Kriya meditation for just 12 minutes a day, we can reduce stress levels, improve our cognition and activate parts of the brain that are central to memory.

Kirtan Kriya (which is pronounced KEER-tun KREE-a) is sometimes called a singing exercise, as it involves chanting certain sounds along with repetitive finger movements. The placement of the tongue while making these sounds stimulates 84 acupuncture points which cause a beneficial bio-chemical transformation in the brain. In addition, research has revealed that utilizing the fingertip position in conjunction with the sounds enhances blood flow to particular areas in the motor-sensory part of the brain.

The Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation’s studies (since 2003) have revealed that a simple 12-minute meditation has the following benefits:

  • Reverses memory loss

  • Increases energy levels

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Up regulates positive genes

  • Down regulates inflammatory genes

  • Reduces stress in patient and caregiver

  • Improves psychological and spiritual well being

  • Activates significant anatomical areas of the brain

  • Increases telomerase, the rejuvenating enzyme that slows cell aging, by 43%, the largest increase ever recorded

  • No side effects, no cost

    Advancements in neuroscience and the study of brain plasticity, tell us it is possible to change the brain, improve connections between brain cells and even grow new brain cells. Studies done at major medical schools prove a significant change in brain scans and memory improvement (sometimes complete reversal) in as few as 8 weeks with participants practicing the 12-minute meditation twice a day.

    Brain scans taken before and after adopting and utilizing the Kirtan Kriya meditation prove that blood flow is improved (meaning stronger brain connections and perhaps, new brain cells) in the area of the brain that begins to first decline with the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. Solid scientific evidence connects reduced cerebral blood flow with higher Alzheimer’s risk as well as its rapid progression.

    Anne King, Certified Hypnotist and founder of Unity Church of Boerne will be the presenter. Written material will be provided for all participants.

    No reservations are needed, but please try to be on time
    We will begin with a meditation followed by lecture, questions, and another meditation.
    Location is about 20 minutes from downtown Boerne off Hwy 474.
    143 River Ranch Rd, Boerne, TX 78006. 830-537-5411.
    (A class is in progress until 2:30) I cannot take phone calls after noon until 2:30pm this day).

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