Age Regression Sampler |
Age Regression Sampler: 2 short Indirect Regressions, Direct Regression by Age, Regression w/o Recall via Ideomotor Signals.
3 pages $7.00
Direct Regression to a Specific Age |
When you know the age or incident you want to examine.
2.5 pages $6.00
Establishing Finger Signals |
Guiding the client through choosing finger signals for ideomotor questioning.
1 page $3.00
Lost Object |
2 versions (regression & room-by-room)
4 pages $8.00
Projection for Goal Achievement |
Regress to a success and carry the feelings into the future goals.
2.5 pages $6.00
Questioning the Subconscious |
6 areas of questions to ask, sample generic questions + sample questions for Allergies, Dental phobia, Insomnia, Weight Loss, and Pain.
7 pages $12.00
Transforming Feelings with Imagery |
Regress to the cause of the feelings, use imagery to remove feelings, for forgiveness, rescript the event, and end result imagery.
6 pages $12.00
Using Feelings & Thoughts to Locate Cause |
Regress to problem, identify feelings, follow them back to the ISE.
2 pages $5.00