Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King's Hypnosis Center Boerne, TX. Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King Hypnosis Center
(3 to 5 minutes)

As we begin, just go ahead and allow your eyes to close, and allow your eyes to stay closed throughout the session, or for as long as is comfortable for you to do so.  It's often easier to relax with your eyes closed because for most people, it makes it easier to be quiet, and still …. and to block outside distractions.

And as we begin,  just start by taking a slow, deep breath ... Breathing in very slowly and deeply ... And exhaling slowly.  And just continue to breathe very slowly, and deeply, in whatever way is comfortable to you, for the next few minutes, until I ask you to stop.  Just concentrating on your breathing ... without thinking about anything but your breathing .... Breathing slowly and deeply, because deep breathing is very, very relaxing in itself.  So, for the next few minutes, just breathe slowly and deeply .... Feeling your lungs expand .... and let go ...

And you can imagine, if you like, that with every breath you breathe in, you're filling your body and mind with peace and serenity... and with every breath you exhale, you're just letting go of all tightness and tension and negativity .... Filling your body and mind with peace  and serenity .... Letting go of all tension, tightness and negativity.

Just relaxing, more and more, with every breath you take. Feel your body relaxing more and more with every breath.  Feel the muscles in your body becoming loose and limp, and so very relaxed ..... as you begin to unwind and let go ... Just letting go ... Letting go of everything that's been going on in your life ... .Any rush you might have been in today .... any worries or concerns ... any tension you may have been retaining in your body ... just let it all go for now .... and allow your body to relax ... Letting go... .and unwinding... and completely relaxing now, as you take this time for yourself ... This special time... .just for you... .A quiet time.. .A time to let go of all the hurry and worry in your daily life and just enjoy a little relaxation.  Just spending a few minutes to relax … unwind .. let everything go

It feels so good to just relax.  Letting go of everything except the relaxation .....  Unwinding .... letting go ... Allowing peace and harmony to surround your body and mind ..... That wonderful, beautiful feeling of tranquility ...... Just relaxing ... relaxing .... It feels so good to relax and unwind and just let everything go.

And now, whenever you like, you can just let go of the deep breathing.... just quit thinking about your breathing,  and breathe normally and comfortably... as you continue to relax...


As we begin, allow your eyes to close and take a slow, deep ..... relaxing breath.  That’s right ..... Just breathe in slowly and deeply and exhale very slowly .... and as you do, notice the muscles in your body beginning to relax. Take another deep, relaxing breath and again, exhale slowly .... feeling your body relaxing more and more with every breath. Deep breathing is very, very relaxing and you just continue to breathe slowly and deeply as you allow your body to relax ......... Breathing in relaxation ..... breathing out all tension and tightness.    Breathing in peace and breathing out any worries or fears ...... Just relaxing .... letting each breath you take relax you more and more.    That’s right.   You’re doing fine .... Just breathing and relaxing ....... breathing and relaxing ..... Letting your breath move through your body .... relaxing your body ..... relaxing your mind.   Feeling so peaceful and serene ..... calm and relaxed ...... safe and secure......Relaxing more and more with every breath ..... and you’ll continue to relax more and more with every breath as you move through this session. And now, you can just let go of the deep breathing.... just quit thinking about your breathing,  and breathe normally and comfortably... as you continue to relax...

Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center


Anne King Hypnosis Center