Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King's Hypnosis Center Boerne, TX. Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King Hypnosis Center
(approximately 7 minutes)

You know that you do have the power to control your body with your mind.  You have the ability and capability to  relax completely in your daily life whenever you begin to feel nervous or pressured or stressed in any way. All you have to do  when you want or need to relax is take a  deep breath, and as you breathe out, just think of your body relaxing . . . .and you will relax completely. This is my gift to you in the form of a post-hypnotic suggestion, to enable you to completely relax in your daily life whenever you need to relax....  Relaxing.... From this moment forward, whenever you take a deep breath, and upon the exhalation, you think of your body relaxing . . . you will immediately and automatically relax. You’ll  relax both physically and mentally ... Relaxing....


If at any time throughout this session, you feel that you need to relax more than you are, you simply go back to the slow, deep breathing.  Just concentrate on your breathing as I continue to talk, and you will, once again, become completely relaxed.

From this moment forward, you do understand ... at a very deep subconscious level … that you do have the power ... the ability ... and the discipline ... to do anything you want to do.  You have set some very specific goals for yourself and you do accomplish these goals.  Your potential in life is unlimited as you continuously set new goals ... achieve your goals ... and always acknowledge your achievements.  You choose to be successful in all areas of your life because you recognize at a very deep subconscious level that you truly deserve success.

From this moment forward, you allow your subconscious mind to constantly and continuously make any adjustments in your thinking that's necessary in order to make your life, and keep your life, perfect in every way.  Any repressions or mental blocks that you may have been retaining in your subconscious mind (especially those pertaining to____) that need to surface to your conscious mind in order for your life to be perfect, do surface... easily, peacefully, harmlessly ... at a time and in a way ... so that you handle them very easily ... undisturbed ... understanding them ... and then just setting them aside so that you are unaffected by them.  Any repressions ... mental blocks ... negative thought patterns or negative habit patterns ... in your subconscious mind (especially those pertaining to____) that need to just dissolve away, do dissolve away and your life becomes better and better every day in every way.

From this moment forward, the past is unable to affect you negatively. You rise above all past negative experiences ... leaving the past behind as you move forward with your life ... realizing that every experience holds valuable lessons ... and you use all experiences in life to learn ... grow ...  and become a better person ...

Each and every day you love yourself more and more ... because you know that loving yourself is the most psychological thing you can do. You love and respect yourself very much, knowing that your own self-image IS a very important part of your life. Therefore, you take complete responsibility for your life, realizing that others are blameless where your situation Is concerned.  You realize that you have the power to create your own positive reality ... and to do so ... you constantly and continuously monitor your thoughts.  You pay attention to your thoughts and anytime a negative thought tries to creep into your mind, you immediately and automatically replace it with a good ... happy ... positive thought.  You admire yourself and therefore ... you refuse to make any negative judgments about yourself. You understand that it is important to love and accept yourself in order to create positive changes in your life.  You make it a point to keep your mind filled always with happy, positive thoughts.

From this moment forward, you are incapable of worrying; especially over those things in your life which you’’re unable to change. Whenever you have a problem ... you resolve it ... when possible ... very quickly ... However  if there is a situation in your life which you’re unable to resolve quickly, you simply release it, knowing that everything in your life is working out ... for your highest good ... and the highest good of everyone concerned.

Beginning now you are incapable of feeling frightened ... angry ... irritable ... upset ... or impatient. In fact you deal with these and all negative feelings by automatically changing negative thoughts to positive ones ... by taking deep breaths …. and by talking to yourself often of health, happiness and opportunity.

From this moment forward, you are incapable of depression. All the things that used to bother you are unable to affect you negatively ... because you have completely let go of all guilt ... resentment ... anger ... hate ...  and blame ... and you have replaced these negative feelings with the positive feelings of forgiveness and love.

From this moment forward, you continuously release and forgive all those in your life ... past and present ... that need to be released and forgiven.  You feel that all those in your life ... past and present ... that need to release and forgive you ... have released and forgiven you.   This release for forgiveness does include most importantly, your own self.   You do release and forgive your own self ... for all past mistakes ... and you let go of all guilt.  You give yourself permission to be happy ... healthy ... and at peace. You refuse to make excuses because you are growing and learning.  You are a wonderful person ... a very special person ... and you radiate warmth ... joy ... happiness ... and love ... to everyone around you.  From this moment forward, you continuously find new ways to improve your life ... and every day in every way, your life is getting better and better.

Relaxing... Relaxing more and more with every breath....

Center 5 - 4 - 3- 2 – 1   (Or Center 5, deeper, deeper, Number 4, down, down... .etc.)











Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center
Anne King Hypnosis Center


Anne King Hypnosis Center