Writing numbers backwards and erasing as you go deeper.
1 page $3.00
Opening and closing eyes as you count. Good for resistant subjects.
1 page $3.00
Counting backwards by 3’s. Great for left-brain subjects.
2 pages $5.00
Beautiful conversational patter for relaxation.
1.5 pages $4.00
Count Backwards
Count Backwards: Client counts backward from 100.
1 page $3.00
3 types: Focus on an object, a spot, or your eyes.
2 pages $5.00
Rapid Inductions 9 Types
9 short, fast inductions (post hypnotic suggestion for re-hypnotizing, Dave
Elman handshake, quick count, standing, arm lowering, hand passes, imagery,
hand-to-face, and shock inductions)
Rapid Inductions
A quick induction using a combination of techniques in rapid succession.
Based on Dave Elman’s techniques.